Pinan is your first “Form”.  From a physical standpoint, forms help develop the muscles and improve conditioning of the body. They use practical self-defense combinations in patterns to help create muscle memory. Make sure to pay special attention to the timing of the movements in relation to your blocks and strikes.  Each of the five Pinans represents one of the animals and Pinan 1 is the Tiger in that it teaches you how to develop power in your strikes.

Pinan 2 is similar to Pinan 1 in that the footwork is the same, but each of the strikes sequences is uniquely different.  This form emulates the Dragon so make sure to pay attention to the targeting for each strike and use your legs to rise or fall to the various levels.

Pinan 3 represents the Crane, and this is evident throughout the form with the circular and flowing movements.  It is important to know that the crane is usually balanced with the tiger so that you get both the soft and hard traits covered in the form.  Can you identify which elements are Crane and which are Tiger?

Pinan 4 is the form representing the Leopard.  It is filled with many explosive combinations that are characteristic of the Leopard.  Pay attention to the continuity of the strikes within each combination.

As the last Pinan, this form emulates the characteristics of the Snake.  With dynamic low stances and many wrapping and gripping movements, it’s easy to see the Snake moving throughout this form.

Known as the “Hard Side”, the movements in this form represent both the style and terrain of the northern region of its origin.  This form will match up to 2 Man Fist Set – South later.

Known as the “Soft Side”, the movements in this form represent both the style and terrain of the southern region of its origin.  This form will match up to 2 Man Fist Set – North later.

This is the unification of both the North and South Sides of the 2 Man Fist Set.  With the balance of North and South, Hard and Soft you can see the Yin and Yang between the two forms.

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