The principle we should identify for this one is multiplicity of intent.  Combining footwork (with intent) with targeted striking is an absolute must 

if you want to be proficient and to be effective in street defense.

The main note from this is low profile entries… the strengths and the weaknesses.  Low profile entries are an effective way to bridge the gap 

against your adversary, all the while keeping yourself actively protected.

DM 3 is the first technique to actually advance on the assailant’s attack.  This is advantageous in that:

  1. You are able to counter the opponent in a much more efficient manner.
  2. Hitting them while they are advancing doubles the impact damage that you inflict on the target area.

The most obvious disadvantage is that you are actually advancing on somebody’s punch!!  This is mitigated with off-angle stepping and with 

lead-punch tracking.  Using these two principles in conjunction are the best way to get comfortable with slipping punches.

One important principle for DM 4 (4 Combination) is Decision Hubs.  It is important to consider that techniques are sometimes not practical in 

their entirety. All any of these fighting techniques represent is a set of fighting principles mixed together for ease of demonstration and 



A Decision Hub is a point in a technique where you must determine whether you want to continue on, modify the technique, switch techniques

entirely, or abort altogether. 


This is incredibly important for actual street defense.  You must actively evaluate the success of what you are attempting to do.  If you are trying 

to take someone down and it’s not working, you mustn’t keep trying to make it work.  It makes you excessively vulnerable to additional attacks. 

Recognizing Decision Hubs in your technique and practicing contingencies from them will make you very effective as a fighter.

One principle in DM 5 is Hand and Foot Harmony.  This harmony exists on multiple levels:

  1. Effectively coordinating punches and kicks is a must-have skill for Kempo. This type of multi-faceted attack ability will render an assailant 

       powerless to defending against you.

  1. Once you become proficient in harmonizing punches and kicks, you must then implement appropriate footwork to make these 

       combinations work.  Optimal punch range and optimal kick range are generally not the same. You need precise and coordinative footwork 

       in order to make Hand and Foot Harmony work effectively.

One of the principles of DM 6 deals with Exit Strategies.  Knowing how to exit after you’ve dealt damage is as important as your attack.  Too 

many times, lesser fighters will connect with their attack, but then get blindsided by the assailant’s unexpected follow-up punch(es).  You might

have stopped them with your front kick, but it as important to exit safely and with options.

One of the principles that DM 7 deals with is Opponent Selection.  It is important to realize that some techniques are better suited for specific 

situations and for specific attackers. 


For example, unless you have the appropriate body size, it isn’t advisable to try to hip-throw a much larger opponent.

Kempo has an over abundance of techniques in order to have an answer for practically any scenario.

One of the principles taught in DM 8 is the 4 Ranges of Fighting.


DM 8 specifically deals with Kicking Range. After watching the video, learn which range you are most comfortable with.


Control the fight actively by moving into range or passively by moving your attacker into range and keep them out of their comfort range.

The main principle of DM 9 is Tactical vs Strategic Blocking.  Most martial artists do not know the difference between the two, and unfortunately, 

that leaves a lot of Street-Defense to chance.  Make sure you are familiar with both concepts so that you can utilize each to the highest degree.


One of the principles of DM 10 is Momentum Manipulation.  Understanding managing the Axis of Rotation as well converting Linear 

Momentum to Centripetal Momentum will give you the tools necessary if you ever need to take an opponent to the ground.


One of the principles of DM 11 is Understanding Lines of Engagement.  Techniques can vary in effectiveness depending on horizontal line that 

you wish to engage.  Additionally, most fighters forget that you can also moderate the VERTICAL Line of Engagement as well!

One of the main principles of DM 12 is Having a Finisher.  To be successful in Street-Defense, it is important to have a couple of go-to moves that 

you have confidence will stop anyone.  This way you can work all of your prior moves to set up this finishing move. 


Conversely, if you don’t believe you have any move (strike or kick) that you believe will end a fight, there is little chance for success (except for 



From a mental standpoint, how can you beat someone if you don’t believe you have something that can beat him in your arsenal?


One of the principles associated with DM 15 is the Value of a Twist Stance


The circular movement of the twist stance gives you a great advantage in Shaolin Kempo DM 15 or Combination 15. No other stance moves you 

in such a powerful, circular fashion. The twist stance is an inverted form of the cat stance, and provides as much flexibility for unpredictable 



The Twist Stance is effective both offensively and defensively when deployed correctly.


One of the principles of DM 16 is the Pros and Cons of Joint Manipulation.  The wrist lock in DM 16 is a unique concept that not only causes your 

opponent pain, but is also an effective method of dynamically controlling and repositioning him as well.  However, there are also drawbacks to 

relying on wrist locks to control your opponent. Watch the video to better understand the wrist lock in DM 16 better.


One of the Main principles of DM 17 is the Four Levels of Blocking.


Level One: Block and then counterstrike. The downside is the delay causes a back and forth between you and your opponent. 


Level Two: Block and punch simultaneously. With less delay between the block and strike, you give your opponent little time to think about 

defending themself.


Level Three: Attack the attack. Part of your defense is your offense. Blocking hard or striking at your opponent’s attack deters them from 

wanting to strike again.


Level Four: Your attack is your block. Coming at your opponent with hard hits to the body and head when they’re trying to hit you cancels out 

their attack. Look for angles of attack to use as a block.


One of the main principles of DM 18 is the concept of Shadow Fading.


Shadow Fading is a technique where you retreat at the pace and distance that the assailant attacks. This ensures that you don’t retreat to a 

point where you put yourself out of effective countering range. Shadowing with a Parry Block opens up your attacker for full targeting potential.


One of the main principles of DM 19 is takedown prevention.  One major misconception of DM 19 is that the intent is to roll your opponent at the 

end of the technique.  That is not the case.  The assumption is that the assailant may go for your legs in a “shooting” maneuver. Forcing him into 

the roll is one of the counters to this move.


There are 4 scenarios:


  1. Scenario One: The person presses their weight against your center line but has no grip on you.
  2. Scenario Two: The person has your leg in a bad grip.
  3. Scenario Three: The person has your leg in a solid grip.
  4. Scenario Four: The person has both your legs, causing you to fall.


Watch the video to better understand how to handle each of the scenarios.


One of the main points of DM 20 is rapid transition from Defense to Offense and Offense to Defense. 


One major flaw that inexperienced fighters have is slow transition from Defense to Offense and vice versa. 


This usually leads to many missed opportunities for the defender and potentially destructive opportunities against the defender. 


Reducing your transition times for both scenarios will immediately elevate your fighting ability dramatically.

One of the main principles for DM 21 is knowing when to do what.


Given all the techniques that are taught in the Kempo System, how can anyone know what do in a given situation?  There are four factors 

covered in the video that need to be evaluated when determining when to do what technique (or part of technique) in any given situation.  

Make sure you take these to heart and evaluate all your techniques based upon these criteria.

One of the main principles for DM 26 is the Circle vs the Line. 


In simpler examples, this concept refers to using one against the other.  However, utilizing them together can make for a very unpredictable 

and powerful attack on your opponent!

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